Apologetics are “reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something.” If you’re wondering about the defense of the pro-life position on abortion, assisted suicide, or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), check out the resources below:
Book: My Body for You: A Pro-Life Message for a Post-Roe World
Book: Love Unleashes Life: Abortion and the Art of Communicating Truth
Articles: Love Unleashes Life’s abortion-related blogs
Video: Stephanie’s debate against abortionist Malcolm Potts
Video: Stephanie’s debate against Princeton philosophy professor Peter Singer
Video: Talks at Google - Abortion: From Controversy to Civility
Video: The pro-life position in 5 minutes
Video: Addressing the question about a pregnant woman’s life being in danger
Video: Responding to a “bodily rights” argument
Video: Is abortion okay after rape?
Article: What do rape victims say about their pregnancies?
Article: Should abuse of the born be motivation to abort the pre-born?
Video: Is an embryo a person?
Article: Embryos and brain development
Article: Why Roe is Against Reason
Article: Addressing a poor prenatal diagnosis
Video: A Christian presentation on abortion, chapel at Biola University
Book: On Assisted Suicide, The Dignity Series
Articles: Love Unleashes Life’s assisted suicide-related blogs
Video: Talking about Assisted Suicide with Clarity and Compassion
Video: Stephanie on the Dr. Sean McDowell YouTube channel speaking about assisted suicide
Book: On IVF, The Dignity Series
Article: Stephanie’s blog series on IVF
Article: Michelle Obama May Have Chosen IVF, But That Doesn’t Mean You Should
Article: IVF Kills Children While Idolizing Them
Article: The End Doesn’t Justify the Means
Video: What Should Christians Think about IVF? The Bridgehead YouTube Channel
Podcast: Making Babies Without Sex, Upstream with Shane Morris
Podcast: Interview on The Van Maren Show about Stephanie’s book on IVF